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  • Resist not evil

    Some people brought a woman to Jesus and said, “She has committed adultery. It is written in the ancient scriptures, that she should be stoned to death. What do you think?” Jesus…

  • Is it crazy enough?

    I have heard a true story, as told by Freeman Dyson… A few months ago, Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli believed that they had made an essential step forward in the direction…

  • Bhamati

    I shall tell you of a wonderful incident in the life of Vachaspati Misra. His father urged him to marry. Vachaspati understood nothing of marriage. He however, bowed to his father’s wishes,…

  • What type of men were these?

    I was just reading an anecdote… A school teacher told the famous story of the elephant and the five blind men to his children — but he didn’t mention the word blind.…

  • Alexander and immortality

    There is a story about Alexander the Great, that he was in search to find something which can make him immortal. …He searched and searched, and once he reached the cave where…

  • Sugar and salt make the taste

    I have heard an ancient parable — must be very ancient because God used to live on the earth in those days. Slowly slowly, he became very tired of man, because people…