Argument:—Tao unattainable by mundane arts—To be reached through repose—The world’s infancy—The reign of peace—Government sets in—Tao declines—The true Sages of old—Their purity of aim. Those who exercise their faculties in mere worldly studies, hoping thereby…
When Yao ruled the world
When Yao was ruling the world, Po Ch’eng Tzu-kao was appointed by him prince of one of the states. From Yao the throne passed to Shun, and from Shun again to Yu;…
A contract is more than a scrap of paper
Duke Wen of Tsin, in going to attack the Yüan State, assured his ministers that the enemy would submit in three days, and he converted them to his enterprise by this hope.…
The virtue of God
Of old, Shun asked Yao, saying, “How does your Majesty employ your faculties?” “I am not arrogant towards the defenceless,” replied Yao. “I do not neg lect the poor. I grieve for…
The bell-stand of Chuang Tse
Khing, a worker in rottlera wood, carved a bell-stand. When it was completed, all who saw it were astonished as though it were the work of spirits. The Prince of Lu went…
Taoist poems
Chuang Chou and the Butterfly Chuang Chou in dream became a butterfly, And the butterfly became Chuang Chou at waking. Which was the real-the butterfly or the man? Who can tell the…
Work and rest
There is an ancient story: It is said that an old follower of Lao Tzu, who was 90 years old, was busy pulling water from the well, together with his young son.…
Nobody in the boat
The Taoists have a famous teaching about an empty boat (read the story ‘The Empty boat’ in this website) that rams into your boat in the middle of a river. While you…
The disciples were absorbed in a discussion of Lao-tzu’s dictum: “Those who know do not say; Those who say do not know.” When the Master entered, they asked him exactly what the words meant.…
The empty boat
A monk decides to meditate alone, away from his monastery. He takes his boat out to the middle of the lake, moors it there, closes his eyes and begins his meditation. After…