The Hassid mystic, Zusia, was dying, and he started praying. Tears were flowing down his eyes and he was trembling. And somebody asked him, “What is the matter? Why are you trembling?”…
You have been chosen, not the Buddha
I have heard: A king went into his garden and found wilted and dying trees, shrubs and flowers. The oak said it was dying because it could not be tall like the…
Sugar and salt make the taste
I have heard an ancient parable — must be very ancient because God used to live on the earth in those days. Slowly slowly, he became very tired of man, because people…
The priest and the prayer
Leo Tolstoy has written a beautiful story: Three men became very famous saints in Russia. The highest priest of the country was very much disturbed — obviously, because people were not coming…
The enormous redwood tree, ancient and failing, trembled. With a crackling, tearing sound, the unimaginable began to happen. Near the base, one side of the giant trunk began to crumple, like the…
“Ask the Creator for what you want,” they told her, “and the Creator will always answer you.” They had told her that since she was a baby. Now she was almost seven.…
Seeing, before and afterward
The lean man closed the door to his old truck. It was stacked high with firewood for me. Slowly he walked toward me, and put out his hand. “Good day,” he said.…
The eight winds
The Buddhists say there are eight winds. They are gain and loss, praise and ridicule, credit and blame, and suffering and joy. If you aren’t aware of them, they will blow you…
True importance
Jean was out walking with his grandfather in Paris. At one point, they saw a shoemaker being insulted by a customer who claimed that there was something wrong with his shoes. The…
The Moonlight Sonata
One evening renowned composer Beethoven and a friend were taking a walk. As they were passing through a narrow, dark street, they heard music coming from a little house. “Hush!” Beethoven said.…