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  • Simple thinking

    A certain man who was fond of studying all kinds of systems of thought wrote to a Dervish Master, Abdul-Aziz of Mecca, asking whether he could talk to him in order to…

  • Saving from peril

    Hasan of Basra relates: ‘I had convinced myself that I was a man of humility and less than humble in my thoughts and conduct to others. ‘Then one day I was standing…

  • Spirituality

    Hasan came upon Rabia one day when she was sitting among several contemplators, and said, “I have the capacity of walking on water. Come, let us both go on to that water…

  • The teacher

    A man came to Bahaudin Shah and said, “First I followed this teacher and then that one. Next I studied these books and then those. I feel that although I know nothing…

  • The bad coin

    There was once an old Sufi who earned his living by selling all sorts of odds and ends.  It seemed as if the man had no judgment because people would frequently pay…

  • A debt of gratitude

    “What are you planting?” the man asked his neighbour. “Mango trees,” replied the neighbour. “Do you expect to eat their fruit in your lifetime?” “It occurred to me the other day,” said…

  • Greater love

    Once upon a time there was a poor shepherd who lived in a small hut in the wilderness.  He grazed his camels and goats, collected some fruits and roots, and with the…