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  • Who?

    Sankaracharya had a certain disciple, who served him long without receiving any teaching. One day, hearing footsteps behind him he asked, “Who is there?” and was answered by this disciple, “It is…

  • The mahut God

    In a forest, there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day, he taught them to see God in all beings and knowing this, to bow low before them all.…

  • Frog in the well

    A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was born and brought up there. And it was a small little frog. One day, another frog…

  • Jalabandhu

    Debasis Mondal’s bright orange vest signifies the important role he plays in communities in his region of India. He’s a Jalabandhu – a “Water-Friend.” The Jalabandhu are hand-pump mechanics, and they are responsible for making sure…

  • The elephants knew

    Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of three books, including the bestseller, The Elephant Whisperer, bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including…

  • Who is a saint?

    A little boy attended a church that had beautiful stained-glass windows. The stained-glass windows, he learned, contained pictures of Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, Saint John, Saint Paul, etc.  One day…

  • Never give up!

    This happened in November 2009. A South Korean woman celebrated after passing the written exam for a driving licence – on her 950th attempt. After four years of trying, 68-year-old Cha Sa-soon…