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  • The truth

    A soldier was asked to rush back home from the battle front because his father was seriously ill. He was permitted to leave as he was all that his father had. When the…

  • Love

    The enormous redwood tree, ancient and failing, trembled. With a crackling, tearing sound, the unimaginable began to happen. Near the base, one side of the giant trunk began to crumple, like the…

  • Trust

    “Ask the Creator for what you want,” they told her, “and the Creator will always answer you.” They had told her that since she was a baby. Now she was almost seven.…

  • The Law of Wasted Efforts

    Do you know that lions only succeed in a quarter of their hunting attempts — which means they fail in 75% of their attempts and succeeds in only 25% of them. Despite…

  • A saint in the wrong place

    Once upon a time, there was a man who had been the soul of kindness all his life. When he died, everyone assumed that he would go straight to Heaven, for the…