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  • Prayer from the heart

    Late one evening a poor farmer on his way back from the market found himself without his prayer book. The wheel of his cart had come off right in the middle of…

  • Prayer in a sigh

    A cobbler came to Rabbi Issac of Ger and said: “Tell me what to do about my morning prayer.  My customers are poor men who have only one pair of shoes.  I…

  • Going higher

    It intrigued the congregation to see that their rabbi disappeared each week on the eve of the Sabbath. They suspected that he was secretly meeting the Almighty, so they deputed one of…

  • The truth

    A soldier was asked to rush back home from the battle front because his father was seriously ill. He was permitted to leave as he was all that his father had. When the…

  • The bad coin

    There was once an old Sufi who earned his living by selling all sorts of odds and ends.  It seemed as if the man had no judgment because people would frequently pay…

  • Appointment with April

    Once, philosopher George Santayana came into a sizeable legacy and was able to relinquish his post on the Harvard faculty. The classroom was packed for his final appearance, and Santayana did himself…

  • The real life

    There is a beautiful story…. A great king, Prasenjita, had come to see Gautama Buddha. And while they were conversing, just in the middle, an old Buddhist sannyasin – he must have…

  • Drop it!

    Once a king came to Gautama Buddha. He was a devotee, a great devotee, and he had come for the first time for his darshan — for his audience. In one of…

  • Sitting by the side, watching

    One day Buddha is passing by a forest. It is a hot summer day and he is feeling very thirsty. He says to Ananda, his chief disciple, “Ananda, you go back. Just…