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  • The bell-stand of Chuang Tse

    Khing, a worker in rottlera wood, carved a bell-stand. When it was completed, all who saw it were astonished as though it were the work of spirits. The Prince of Lu went…

  • Wisdom

    A big factory was being built in Kerala (India) and a grave problem arose during the construction of that plant. The problem was that a really heavy machine had to be placed…

  • Trimurti and Tridevi

    Hinduism holds Brahman as the divine source of all beings, the origin and foundation of all existence. Major schools of Hindu philosophy describe it as the non-physical, efficient, formal and final cause of…

  • A stoic response to betrayal

    Late in his reign, sick and possibly near death, Stoic Emperor Marcus Aurelius  received surprising news. His old friend and most trusted general, Avidius Cassius, had rebelled in Syria. Having heard the emperor…

  • The stingy artist

    Gessen was an artist monk. Before he would start a drawing or painting he always insisted upon being paid in advance, and his fees were high. He was known as the “Stingy…

  • A modern saint

    Everything that Gandhi said shows that he was primarily a seeker after God, Truth, the Ultimate, and a politician because this led him into the service of his fellows and so into…

  • A mother’s advice

    Jiun, a Shingon master, was a well-known Sanskrit scholar of the Tokugawa era. When he was young, he used to deliver lectures to his brother students. His mother heard about this and…

  • Sleeping in the daytime

    The zen master Soyen Shaku passed from this world when he was sixty-one years of age. Fulfilling his life’s work, he left a great teaching, far richer than that of most Zen…