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  • Collecting wise sayings

    It is said of a Hindu mystic that he went begging. And a woman looked at his eyes… He had beautiful eyes. Saints have beautiful eyes, nobody can have eyes like a…

  • Walking on water

    Once a man came to Ramakrishna. He was a great yogi. And he declared the same thing to Ramakrishna. He said, “Can you walk on the water? I can.”  And Ramakrishna laughed…

  • Simple thinking

    A certain man who was fond of studying all kinds of systems of thought wrote to a Dervish Master, Abdul-Aziz of Mecca, asking whether he could talk to him in order to…

  • Saving from peril

    Hasan of Basra relates: ‘I had convinced myself that I was a man of humility and less than humble in my thoughts and conduct to others. ‘Then one day I was standing…

  • Spirituality

    Hasan came upon Rabia one day when she was sitting among several contemplators, and said, “I have the capacity of walking on water. Come, let us both go on to that water…

  • The teacher

    A man came to Bahaudin Shah and said, “First I followed this teacher and then that one. Next I studied these books and then those. I feel that although I know nothing…

  • Appointment with April

    Once, philosopher George Santayana came into a sizeable legacy and was able to relinquish his post on the Harvard faculty. The classroom was packed for his final appearance, and Santayana did himself…

  • The real life

    There is a beautiful story…. A great king, Prasenjita, had come to see Gautama Buddha. And while they were conversing, just in the middle, an old Buddhist sannyasin – he must have…

  • Drop it!

    Once a king came to Gautama Buddha. He was a devotee, a great devotee, and he had come for the first time for his darshan — for his audience. In one of…

  • Sitting by the side, watching

    One day Buddha is passing by a forest. It is a hot summer day and he is feeling very thirsty. He says to Ananda, his chief disciple, “Ananda, you go back. Just…