• Darwin’s black box

    A black box is a whimsical term used in science to describe something whose inner workings are mysterious, either because they cannot be seen or because they’re just incomprehensible. Charles Darwin’s black box was the cell.…

  • The secret of happiness

    A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for 40 days, and finally came…

  • A meeting of minds

    Martin was returning to work in his London office after spending two weeks with his brother over in New York. He was coming back with a heavy heart. It was not just…

  • The seeker of truth

    After years of searching, the seeker was told to go to a cave in which he would find a well. ‘Ask the well what is truth’, he was advised, ‘and the well…

  • Bad by name; bad by nature?

    During Nelson Mandela’s 19 years imprisoned on Robben Island, one particular commanding officer was the most brutal of them all: “A few days before Badenhorst’s departure, I was called to the main…

  • The three races

    In old times, fable retells the story of the young athletic boy hungry for success, for whom winning was everything and success was measured by such a result. One day, the boy…

  • Different perspectives

    The Minister travelled for days by train and car and boat to one of the furthest islands in the nation. As he surveyed the bleak but inspiring landscape, he turned to a…