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  • The mahut God

    In a forest, there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day, he taught them to see God in all beings and knowing this, to bow low before them all.…

  • Frog in the well

    A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was born and brought up there. And it was a small little frog. One day, another frog…

  • Have some trouble

    In their book Boundaries, psychologists Henry Cloud and John Townsend tell an interesting story about some parents who were having trouble with their 25 year old son. The son didn’t come to the…

  • Bigger hands

    A boy went to the store with his mother. The owner held up a candy jar, and invited him to take a handful. Uncharacteristically, the boy stood still, and waited. So the…

  • Greed

    A student asked his teacher, “What is greed?” The teacher said, “In order to answer your question, go through the chocolate factory next to our school and pick the one chocolate you…

  • The ship of friendship

    A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert like island.   The two survivors…

  • The way God helps

    There was a small village by the river. Everyone lived happily and offered regular prayers at the village temple. Once, during the monsoon season, it rained heavily. The river started overflowing and…