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  • The king’s humility

    One day, a wise old man came to visit a king. He had to wait for a long time because the king was very busy. Finally, the king said he could come…

  • Think with your heart

    The following question was asked at a job interview I had a few years ago. The question inspired me to change my outlook and how I approached problems. You are driving along…

  • Living life and loving it

    A man died… When he realised it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand. God: Alright son, it’s time to go. Man: So soon? I had a lot…

  • Subhash Palekar: Krishi ka Rishi

    After witnessing the harmful effects of chemical farming, Subhash Palekar, a B.Sc in Agriculture, developed the Zero Budget Natural Farming model. ‘Krishi ka Rishi’ is the title farming communities across the country have…

  • The idea of KISS

    A schooling initiative in Bhubaneswar doesn’t leave it to government, seeks to be the change agent. In a fairy tale, a kiss turned a frog into a prince. Recently, I was fortunate…

  • Dashrath Manjhi, The Mountain Man

    An extraordinary common man from Gaya, Bihar, single-handedly bored through a mountain for over two decades to make a commutable path that would take his village closer to the outside world.   For…

  • Labels

    I sat in my chair quietly next to my Mom & Dad as my Grade-IV teacher gave them an update on my progress at school. “Your child is a slow learner,” said…

  • The true path

    A master was strolling through a field of wheat when a disciple came up to him and asked, “I can’t tell which is the true path. What’s the secret?” “What is that…