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  • No work, no food

    Hyakujo, the Chinese Zen master, used to labour with his pupils even at the age of eighty, trimming the gardens, cleaning the grounds and pruning the trees. The pupils felt sorry to…

  • Muddy Road

    Two monks, Tanzan and Ekido, were once traveling together down a muddy road. It was raining heavily in those parts. Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk…

  • How grass and trees become enlightened

    During the Kamakura period, Shinkan studied Tendai six years and then studied Zen for seven years; then he went to China and contemplated Zen for thirteen years more. When he returned to…

  • The forgetful genius

    Albert Einstein’s name is synonymous with ‘genius.’ We know he was a simple soul but it is hard to believe that the propounder of the most complex Theory of Relativity and quantum…

  • Reflections of the sky nation

    The Thunder-beings were busy giving birth to new clouds, sending them to dance in the blue playground of sky. Grandfather Sun provided the glittering sunbeams, which acted like jump ropes for today’s…

  • A special teacher

    Years ago, a Johns Hopkins professor gave a group of graduate students this assignment: Go to the slums. Take 200 boys between the ages of 12 and 16 and investigate their background…

  • You are wonderful

    It happened several years ago in the Paris Opera House. A famous singer had been contracted to sing, and ticket sales were booming. In fact, the night of the concert found the…

  • Doing what we can do

    Not many of us are multi-talented. I cannot do all that many things well and most things I cannot do at all. But we all have our gifts. As talented as the…