Henry Ford dropped out of school at the age of 15. He walked from his family’s farm in Dearborn, Michigan, to Detroit, and found work in a machine shop. He would eventually…
Humble beginnings
In the year 1873, there was a country-bumpkin who applied for a sales job at a store in upstate New York. He looked like anything but a potential salesman to the owner,…
Let me be thankful….
Matthew Henry, the great Bible commentator, was robbed one day. He wrote in his diary: “Let me be thankful, first, because I was never robbed before. Second, because although they took my…
Do you enjoy the blessings in your life, or are you always wanting more? Dr. Don Colbert, in his book The Seven Pillars of Health, says people need to learn to practice mindfulness to…
The male emperor penguin and childcare
One of the oddities of nature is the male emperor penguin of Antarctica. What makes him so odd is that he excels at childcare — not always the strongest suit for the…
In the 1980s, the #1 bestseller All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten was published. The author, Robert Fulghum, realised one day that “what’s necessary to live a meaningful life” wasn’t…
The Gandhi ‘talisman’
To a friend, who was tormented by doubts, Gandhiji wrote a letter. The letter was mislaid, but on a later occasion the words were recalled to memory and transcribed. The following is…
A man of courtesy
Bapu was always the soul of courtesy towards young and old, rich and poor. An incident illustrative of this side of his character was described by Giralda Forbes in the Catholic World of Calcutta.…
‘Nothing too small for him’
Acharya Kaka Kalelkar, who was with Gandhiji in Bombay at the time of the Congress Session there in 1915, relates the following story revealing how great the latter could be even in…
What made Gandhiji wear only loincloth or dhoti
Ninety-five years ago on 22nd September 1921, Gandhi made a momentous decision to change his attire. From the elaborate Gujarati attire, he decided on a simple dhoti and shawl. This epoch-making decision was…