• Good things take time

    It took Leo Tolstoy about six years to write the classic War and Peace. Cervantes published Part I of Don Quixote in 1605, but it was 10 years later — in 1615 — before he…

  • Never give up!

    This happened in November 2009. A South Korean woman celebrated after passing the written exam for a driving licence – on her 950th attempt. After four years of trying, 68-year-old Cha Sa-soon…

  • D-Day

    After giving the final order for the D-Day Invasion to begin on June 6, 1944 — after his commanders had rushed out to carry out the order, after the press had been…

  • Have some trouble

    In their book Boundaries, psychologists Henry Cloud and John Townsend tell an interesting story about some parents who were having trouble with their 25 year old son. The son didn’t come to the…

  • Bigger hands

    A boy went to the store with his mother. The owner held up a candy jar, and invited him to take a handful. Uncharacteristically, the boy stood still, and waited. So the…

  • Unexploded bomb squads

    In Churchill’s Memoirs of The Second World War, he tells the story of the unexploded bomb squads, or U.X.B squads. During the bombardment of England, the Nazis dropped large numbers of delayed-action bombs.…

  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford dropped out of school at the age of 15. He walked from his family’s farm in Dearborn, Michigan, to Detroit, and found work in a machine shop. He would eventually…

  • Humble beginnings

    In the year 1873, there was a country-bumpkin who applied for a sales job at a store in upstate New York. He looked like anything but a potential salesman to the owner,…

  • Mom’s wise counsel

    In his book Love and Respect, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs tells about one young wife who called her mom to tell her that she and her husband would not be coming over that day.…

  • Heaven’s store

    A woman had a dream in which she wandered into a shop at the mall and found (God) behind a counter. He said to her, “You can have anything your heart desires.”…