The monk Chu Lai was beaten by a professor who did not believe anything he said. However, the professor’s wife was a follower of Chu Lai, and demanded that her husband had to apologize to him.
Displeased, but without the courage to deny his wife’s wishes, the man went to the temple with her and murmured some words of repentance.
“I do not forgive you,” replied Chu Lai, “go back to work.”
The woman was horrified. “My husband is humiliated, and you were not generous!”
And Chu Lai responded: “Within my soul there is no rancour. But if he is not truly sorry, it is better for him to recognise now that he is mad at me. If I had accepted his apology, we would be creating a false state of harmony, and this would further increase the anger of your husband.”
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Image: Postage stamp of Taiwan (1997) of Standing Amitava Buddha statue. Courtesy: