About Wellsprings

This site is a cluster of wellsprings. Wellsprings of heartwarming anecdotes, stirring stories, age-old fables, epic tales, mythical musings, good deeds, life's lessons, inspiring insights, and much more. None of these are our own but they have something for all of us. That's why we have taken the liberty of putting them together, acknowledging the source or the author wherever we could.

  • The king’s humility

    One day, a wise old man came to visit a king. He had to wait for a long time because the king was very busy. Finally, the king said he could come…

  • Think with your heart

    The following question was asked at a job interview I had a few years ago. The question inspired me to change my outlook and how I approached problems. You are driving along…

  • Living life and loving it

    A man died… When he realised it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand. God: Alright son, it’s time to go. Man: So soon? I had a lot…

  • Subhash Palekar: Krishi ka Rishi

    After witnessing the harmful effects of chemical farming, Subhash Palekar, a B.Sc in Agriculture, developed the Zero Budget Natural Farming model. ‘Krishi ka Rishi’ is the title farming communities across the country have…

  • The idea of KISS

    A schooling initiative in Bhubaneswar doesn’t leave it to government, seeks to be the change agent. In a fairy tale, a kiss turned a frog into a prince. Recently, I was fortunate…

  • Dashrath Manjhi, The Mountain Man

    An extraordinary common man from Gaya, Bihar, single-handedly bored through a mountain for over two decades to make a commutable path that would take his village closer to the outside world.   For…

  • The wise man

    This is an interesting folk tale from Africa. Once upon a time, there lived a wise man by the name of Mamad. He never lied. All the people in the land, even…