Once a king came to Gautama Buddha. He was a devotee, a great devotee, and he had come for the first time for his darshan — for his audience. In one of…
About Wellsprings
This site is a cluster of wellsprings. Wellsprings of heartwarming anecdotes, stirring stories, age-old fables, epic tales, mythical musings, good deeds, life's lessons, inspiring insights, and much more. None of these are our own but they have something for all of us. That's why we have taken the liberty of putting them together, acknowledging the source or the author wherever we could.
Sitting by the side, watching
One day Buddha is passing by a forest. It is a hot summer day and he is feeling very thirsty. He says to Ananda, his chief disciple, “Ananda, you go back. Just…
Resist not evil
Some people brought a woman to Jesus and said, “She has committed adultery. It is written in the ancient scriptures, that she should be stoned to death. What do you think?” Jesus…
Is it crazy enough?
I have heard a true story, as told by Freeman Dyson… A few months ago, Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli believed that they had made an essential step forward in the direction…
‘Put your hands on the top of your heads’
I have come across a very beautiful Zen story. Listen to it attentively; it is your story. Behind a temple there was a field where a lot of squashes (vegetables of the…
I shall tell you of a wonderful incident in the life of Vachaspati Misra. His father urged him to marry. Vachaspati understood nothing of marriage. He however, bowed to his father’s wishes,…
What type of men were these?
I was just reading an anecdote… A school teacher told the famous story of the elephant and the five blind men to his children — but he didn’t mention the word blind.…
You cannot hide from yourself
You can hide something from others but you cannot hide it from yourself, and it is there that God is hiding. It is not in the object, it is in the subject…
Alexander and immortality
There is a story about Alexander the Great, that he was in search to find something which can make him immortal. …He searched and searched, and once he reached the cave where…
Why are you not yourself?
The Hassid mystic, Zusia, was dying, and he started praying. Tears were flowing down his eyes and he was trembling. And somebody asked him, “What is the matter? Why are you trembling?”…