About Wellsprings

This site is a cluster of wellsprings. Wellsprings of heartwarming anecdotes, stirring stories, age-old fables, epic tales, mythical musings, good deeds, life's lessons, inspiring insights, and much more. None of these are our own but they have something for all of us. That's why we have taken the liberty of putting them together, acknowledging the source or the author wherever we could.

  • Unexploded bomb squads

    In Churchill’s Memoirs of The Second World War, he tells the story of the unexploded bomb squads, or U.X.B squads. During the bombardment of England, the Nazis dropped large numbers of delayed-action bombs.…

  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford dropped out of school at the age of 15. He walked from his family’s farm in Dearborn, Michigan, to Detroit, and found work in a machine shop. He would eventually…

  • Humble beginnings

    In the year 1873, there was a country-bumpkin who applied for a sales job at a store in upstate New York. He looked like anything but a potential salesman to the owner,…

  • Mom’s wise counsel

    In his book Love and Respect, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs tells about one young wife who called her mom to tell her that she and her husband would not be coming over that day.…

  • Heaven’s store

    A woman had a dream in which she wandered into a shop at the mall and found (God) behind a counter. He said to her, “You can have anything your heart desires.”…

  • Let me be thankful….

    Matthew Henry, the great Bible commentator, was robbed one day. He wrote in his diary: “Let me be thankful, first, because I was never robbed before. Second, because although they took my…

  • Mindfulness

    Do you enjoy the blessings in your life, or are you always wanting more?   Dr. Don Colbert, in his book The Seven Pillars of Health, says people need to learn to practice mindfulness to…

  • Kindergarten

    In the 1980s, the #1 bestseller All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten was published. The author, Robert Fulghum, realised one day that “what’s necessary to live a meaningful life” wasn’t…